Starts at 12 noon TODAY and ends on Sunday, Nov 5 at 11 am.
Set up your Double Good Popcorn Store today!
This is a NO RISK Fundraiser in which we will receive 50% of the total profits – which is the highest split, with no starting-up charges that we have ever seen.
Please, Open Your Store today or Support the Stores of our Del Val Sisters and Brothers THIS WEEK.
Please follow the instructions below and or reach out to our Corresponding Secretary, Angela Flemming for a personal tutorial at
Our fundraising window begins today, November 01, 2023, at 12:00 PM and goes until Sunday, November 05, 2023, at 11:00 AM. --- Before the fundraiser begins:
Download the Double Good app (follow all verification instructions: number email & 4 digit code)
Enter our event code PHKKMO in the app
Create your Pop-Up Store (use a picture of yourself or the DelVal NCNW logo, and make a goal of no less than $500)
If you need any assistance contact Sister Angie, at 215.791.4004, or check your email for further step-by-step assistance.
Lets get it on N’ Poppin, DelVal!! The Double Good app is available for free on iOS and Android. You can also set up via the Double Good Popcorn website