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Fundraiser at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant - May 22-24, - 8400 Germantown Ave, Phila, PA 19118

Updated: May 10, 2023

Dine at Iron Hill and support DelVal NCNW!

Fundraiser days: May 22-24, 2023 - Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant

Fundraiser Flyer
Iron Hill Fundraiser
- Please support the Delaware Valley Section Fundraiser by joining us at the Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant on May 22-24, 2023.

When you dine-in or take-out on these dates, please let your server or bartender know that you are here for the DelVal Section event so that your checks can be marked for the donation totals. If you do take-out or order online, we ask that you pay when you arrive. This will guarantee that the take-out attendant can mark your check for the donation than retrieving a closed check on-line.

Don't forget to show this digital flyer when you come! Click on PDF file below.

Thank you for your support!

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